Poleski Park Narodowy

length 2,5 km (longer option is 3,5 km) The trail starts in the village of Lomnica. Part of the footbridge is adopted for the disabled. The trail runs through various types of forests (high and low oak-linden-hornbeam forests, swamp forest) to the dystrophic Moszne Lake, which is in the last phase of being overgrown. A peculiar element of the trail is a transitory turf land generated on a quagmire called in here “splea”, with a wooden footbridge over it. Rare and interesting boreal plants are here, for example, the downy willow and swamp willow, betula humilis, round-leaved su ...

długość 21 km Ścieżka zaczyna się we wsi Łowiszów, przy zbiorniku Wytyckim. Na trasie znajduje się torfowisko wysokie „Durne Bagno" z wieżą widokową. Ścieżka tworzy pętlę prowadząc przez kompleks stawów w Pieszowoli, a następnie wzdłuż rzeki Mietiułka do punktu, w którym rozpoczęliśmy przejażdżkę. Nawierzchnię stanowią drogi polne i leśne. Więcej informacji… ...

The "Insurgent Camp" nature and historical trail in the Poleski National Park begins in the village of Lipniak. It shows many natural phenomena from the world of plants and animals, and gives a fuller idea of the course of the January Uprising in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake District. ...

length 6,5 km The picturesque Poleski National Park has gained another attraction. The "Czahary" educational trail, marked out within the Bubnów Swamp, awaits the tourists and nature lovers. The term "czahary" was already known in the 17th century and meant wetland covered with shrubs. The name of the path perfectly illustrates the character of the new Polesie attraction. The 6.5 km route was led through the open areas of the low bog as well as through forests and meadow complexes. The path will certainly be appreciated by people whose passion is ornithology. Along the trail you will see man ...

length 5 km The trail starts in the village of Pieszowola, behind the manor park, about 1 km from the road from Sosnowica to Kołacze. The path leads through a complex of ponds founded in the interwar period by the Krasowski nobleman - the owner of the Pieszowola court. Currently the ponds take about 120 ha. The Perehod trail is an ornithological one. It is the most interesting during bird flies, whose observation is facilitated by 2 towers and an observation shelter. One can find here many species of ducks, geese, herons, harriers, as well as the black stork, cormorant, crane or even white-t ...

length 3,5 km The trail starts behind The Didactic and Museum PNP Centre in Zalucze Stare. The path mostly leads through a wooden footbridge and it represents precious woodlands of sub-boreal swamp birch forest and hurst- valley alder forest as well as a transitory turfland and various types of meadows. Its particular attractions are carnivorous plants and blooming orchids. The last part of the footbridge and the vantage pier at the Łukie lake have been adjusted for the disabled. Learn more... ...

The educational mini-trail "Following Nature" is designed for both the youngest guests of the park and the people who are unable to walk longer distances. It is also recommended for organised groups that come for classes to the Educational & Administrative Center in Urszulin. The path is equipped with educational devices thanks to which one can learn about chosen animal species and natural attractions of Poleski National Park. Learn more... ...

length 0,5 km The trail is situated in the area of The Didactic and Museum PNP Centre in Załucze Stare. It is designed for the youngest guests of the Park. It presents, among others, the forest structure; describes the life of the European pond turtle, and presents a small Rehabilitation Centre for Animals created by the Park. Learn more... ...