Horse-riding routes

It is the first professional horse-riding route in the Lublin Region and one of the longest in Poland (280 km). It leads through varied landscapes of Lublin Polesie and Volhynia Polesie, featuring numerous lakes, thick forests, nature reserves and many historic sights (old architecture, churches, manor houses, etc.). It calls on the most interesting places located within the Poleski National Park, and the Chełm, Sobibór, and Poleski Landscape Parks - including the nature reserves: Żółwiowe Błota (Turtle Bogs), Orchowe Lake, Magazyn, Małoziemce, Serniawy, Bachus, Stawska Góra, Bagno Ser ...

This 25-kilometre long route leads through: Wólka Wieprzecka – Bliżów – Bondyrz – Lasowce – Senderki. It starts by the "Tarka" Malopolski Horse Stud Farm and goes along the borders of the Roztocze National Park. It shares certain stretches with the Uhlan Route and the A. Wachniewska Walking Route. The best observation points are located on the hills called Szczob and Kotula Góra. Must-see sites include the water mill upon the Wieprz River in Bondyż and the old sandstone quarry in Senderki. The route runs along field tracks, paths and roadsides of commune and county roads with litt ...

This 42-kilometre route forms a loop: Gorajec – Zagroble – Świniarki – Mokrelipie – Zakłodzie – Gaj Gruszczański – Zaporze – Łysiec – Chłopków – Gorajec. It leads through many historic sights, scenic old-growth woods, green knolls and high hills offering a panoramic view of the area, and deep ravines with traces of partisan fights. Gorajec hosts an annual Horse Carriage Rally, which promotes local folk customs and passion for horses. On the border of the Cetnar Forest there is the "Enchanted Forest" ("Zaklęty Las") Rest Stop where tourists can relax, feed the horse, ha ...

The route covers a distance of 43 km and runs through: Janów Lubelski – Porytowe Wzgórze – Momoty Dolne – Gierłachy – Kruczek. It starts as a paved track but often goes though sandy and boggy areas. Along the way there are mysterious woods, many brooks and rivulets connecting forest lakes and swamps, and quaint old roadside chapels and crosses. There is also a forested hill that marks the beginning of a 1.5-kilometre long stretch of forested sand dunes called the Świerszczowe Mountains. The route finishes by a metal cross in Kruczek. ...

The equestrian historical and natural trail of Radzyń Land of Warmth is 100 km long and leads through public roads from north to south of the county - from Brzozowica Duża to the "Haven of the Naturally Active" in Niewęgłosz (in the vicinity of the stable of the Radzyń Equestrian Club). The route is attractive in terms of nature (forests, meadows, the Natura 2000 area in the Tyśmienica Valley) and leads through places related to important events in the history of the Radzyń county. Learn more... ...

The Land of Loess Gorges has an extensive network of horse-riding trails of total length over 300 km. The trails focus around four main loops: I loop: Kazimierz Dolny - Wąwolnica - KurówII loop: JanowiecIII loop: Puławy - Żyrzyn - KońskowolaIV loop: Baranów - Żyrzyn - Markuszów - Kurów There are 18 stop points along the trails. Learn more... ...

The route covers a distance of 34 km and forms a loop: Wólka Wieprzecka – Wychody – Żdanówek – Białowola – St. Roch’s Chapel – Wierzchowiny – Wólka Wieprzecka. It partially follows the old highroad of the Zamoyski Estate. In Wólka Wieprzecka there are two horse-riding centres: the Rozalia Stable and the "Tarka" Malopolski Horse Stud Farm (the beginning of the route). The rest areas on the way include: Kolonia Hubale, Biała Góra (a great observation point), and St. Roman’s Chapel (miraculous springs). The Hubale Nature Reserve is worth visiting as it is a refuge of the s ...