The parish church was erected at the beginning of the XVII century and was designed by Piotr Durie – an architect of Italian descent, who lived in Lublin. The ceremonious consecration of the church took place on the 1st of October 1617 and was conducted by the benefactor of the church, i.e. by the bishop of the Płock diocese, Henryk Firlej.

It is a single-aisle church with a and semicircular presbytery, which is slightly narrower than the aisle. In the front of the building there are two impressive towers, both of them are 38 meters tall. The vaults of the presbytery and the chapels are sumptuously ornemanted with stucco-works in the type of the Lublin Renaissance. They were created by Jan Wolff, which is proved by the cartouche depicting a squire and the initials J.W. on the chancel arch.

The furnishings of the church is mainly baroque. In the high altar, there are two images depicting st. Stanislaus, namely The Resurrection of Piotrowin and the scene of the martyr's death.