

Since 2007, local cultural institutions, organisations and artists have been joining forces to create this unique festival. Cultural events, concerts, exhibitions, performances and much more await in Lublin on this special night. Fabulous art installations will once again take over the streets of the city, inspiring awe and surprise.

On the night of 1 to 2 June 2024, the Old Town and the city centre will be filled with over 100 attractions. Unusual art installations will appear in the city space and the constructions will be complemented by crazy concerts and performances, cinema, aerial shows, colourful murals and mapping with a message.

Admission to all events is free. For the comfort of the participants, several of the more than one hundred events are invited with free entrance tickets.

Learn more at nockultury.pl

fot. Katarzyna Anna Kubiak | Warsztaty Kultury