

Traditional culture in many colours, sounds, and tastes – from handicrafts to music, dance, singing, and cuisine – will once again visit Lublin. The Re:Tradition Festival and the Jagiellonian Fair are coming up in August!

The Jagiellonian Fair draws its inspiration from the famous Lublin fairs, which, at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, were among the most renowned international trade events.

From the early Middle Ages, trade in a wide variety of goods flourished in Lublin, thanks to the trade route running through the city. The famous Lublin fairs were attended not only by domestic merchants, but also by those from the most remote corners of the world at the time. Building on this tradition, Lublin will once again host the Jagiellonian Fair, as part of the Re:Tradition Festival. This event presents traditional culture in many dimensions – from folk art, music, dance, and singing to cuisine and folklore linked to science and education.

Walking through the streets of the Old Town, you will see a multitude of patterns, colours, and styles presented by folk artists from Poland. You will listen to stories, learn the secrets of the products, and have the opportunity to purchase them.

Through the simplest, traditional forms of leisure, you will have the chance to experience a genuine encounter with another human being.

Learn more at retradycja.eu