Bochotnica is a village on the Nałęczowski Plateau, at the mouth of the Bystra River to the Vistula. It's a location of one of the local ferry crossings that allows to quickly get from Kazimierz side to the Janowiec side of the Vistula river. The village is famous for the ruins of a XIV century knight's castle built on one of the hills, surrounded by dense forests. According to the legend, it is here that the love between King Kazimierz and the beautiful Jewess Esterka flourished.

Among the attractions in Bochotnica are the Pożaryski Wall with stone caves that are remnants of the former quarry. However, do not go inside, it is very dangerous! It is better to admire the quarry from a safe distance. If you look closely at the rocks, you can see a clear geological boundary between the Mesozoic - the era of dinosaurs and the Cenozoic that continues today.

Thanks to the numerous gorges, neighborhood of the Vistula river, and quarries, Bochotnica and its surroundings are characterized by the richness of the natural world. Various bird species can be observed here, as well as all the bat species protected in Poland. The village is part of the Kazimierz Landscape Park.